2022-12-12 - Hill Climbing Algorithm
(original .ipynb)
Day 12 puzzle input is a grid of letters with the lower-case letters representing heights (a
being the lowers, z
being the highest) as well as the start point S
and the destination E
which have heights "a" and "z" respectively (mine is here). Part 1 involves finding the shortest path from S
to Z
(where you can only travel "up" one height unit). Part 2 involves finding the shortest path from any a
-height point to E
%%time from advent import neighbours4 from math import inf puzzle_input_str = open("./puzzle_input/day12.txt").read() test_input_str = """ Sabqponm abcryxxl accszExk acctuvwj abdefghi """.strip() def get_height_val(col): if col == "S": return ord("a") elif col == "E": return ord("z") return ord(col) def parse_input(input_str): start, end = None, None grid = [] for r, row in enumerate(input_str.splitlines()): if "S" in row: start = (r, row.index("S")) if "E" in row: end = (r, row.index("E")) grid.append([get_height_val(col) for col in row]) return start, end, grid def can_reach(grid, r, c, nr, nc): return grid[nr][nc] <= grid[r][c] + 1 def build_shortest_paths_grid(grid, from_node, reachable=can_reach): shortest_paths = [ [inf for _ in row] for row in grid ] queue = [(from_node, 0)] while len(queue) > 0: (r, c), steps = queue.pop(0) if steps >= shortest_paths[r][c]: continue shortest_paths[r][c] = steps queue += [ [(nr,nc), steps+1] for nr,nc in neighbours4(grid, r, c) if reachable(grid, r, c, nr, nc) ] return shortest_paths def part_one(input_str): start, end, grid = parse_input(input_str) shortest_paths = build_shortest_paths_grid(grid, start) end_r, end_c = end return shortest_paths[end_r][end_c] assert 31 == part_one(test_input_str) print("part one:", part_one(puzzle_input_str))
part one: 350 CPU times: user 24.1 ms, sys: 3.98 ms, total: 28 ms Wall time: 26.9 ms
%%time def can_reach_from(grid, r, c, nr, nc): return can_reach(grid, nr, nc, r, c) def part_two(input_str): start, end, grid = parse_input(input_str) shortest_paths = build_shortest_paths_grid(grid, end, can_reach_from) a_path_lengths = [] for r, row in enumerate(grid): for c, col in enumerate(row): if col == ord("a"): a_path_lengths.append(shortest_paths[r][c]) return min(a_path_lengths) assert 29 == part_two(test_input_str) print("part two:", part_two(puzzle_input_str))
part two: 349 CPU times: user 25.7 ms, sys: 3.72 ms, total: 29.4 ms Wall time: 28.7 ms