2020-12-23 - Crab Cups
(original .ipynb)
Day 23 input is 9 digit string representing the arrangement of 9 cups in a circle, labelled 1-9 (mine is 364289715
). Part 1 involves applying a given shuffle of these cups 100 times. Part 2 involves increasing the cups (to 1 million, each cup after the initial 9 is just labelled after the place in the initial configuration it is, so the 10th cup is 10
, the 11th cup is 11
, etc) and applying the shuffle 10 million times.
NOTE: My solution is horrendously inefficient and Part 2 does not complete in a reasonable time. To get my answer I ran it locally with pypy, tweaked a few bits and then ran it overnight. :-/ there is definitely a faster way to get this. Another one for the "revisit" queue.
test_input_str = "389125467" puzzle_input_str = "364289715" # IMMEDIATE THOUGHT: this problem is not TOO tough but it involves manually following some number-shuffling # and repetition over a small number of iterations (100). I can GUARANTEE that Part 2 # involves doing this over an impossible number of iterations # The crab picks up the three cups that are immediately clockwise of the current cup. They are removed # from the circle; cup spacing is adjusted as necessary to maintain the circle. # # The crab selects a destination cup: the cup with a label equal to the current cup's label minus one. # If this would select one of the cups that was just picked up, the crab will keep subtracting one # until it finds a cup that wasn't just picked up. If at any point in this process the value goes # below the lowest value on any cup's label, it wraps around to the highest value on any cup's label instead. # # The crab places the cups it just picked up so that they are immediately clockwise of the destination cup. # They keep the same order as when they were picked up. # # The crab selects a new current cup: the cup which is immediately clockwise of the current cup. def circular_pop(cups, pop_index): if (pop_index > len(cups)-1): pop_index = 0 return cups.pop(pop_index) def circular_get(cups, index): return cups[index % len(cups)] def insert_cups(cups, index, move_cups): adjusted_index = index % (1+len(cups)) #print("inserting", move_cups, "into index", adjusted_index, "(where", cups[adjusted_index], "is)") while move_cups: cups.insert(adjusted_index, move_cups.pop()) def decrement_label(label, max_label): label -= 1 if label == 0: label = max_label return label def solve(input_str, moves, pad_input_to=None): cups = [int(s) for s in input_str] max_label = len(cups) current_index = 0 if pad_input_to: print("range", len(cups), 1+pad_input_to) cups += [n for n in range(len(cups), 1+pad_input_to)] print(cups[-1]) while moves > 0: if moves % 10000 == 0: print("moves", moves) current_cup = cups[current_index] pick_up = [circular_pop(cups, current_index + 1) for cup in range(3)] destination_label = decrement_label(current_cup, max_label) while destination_label in pick_up: destination_label = decrement_label(destination_label, max_label) destination_index = (1 + cups.index(destination_label)) % len(cups) insert_cups(cups, destination_index, pick_up) current_index = (cups.index(current_cup) + 1) % len(cups) moves -= 1 pivot_index = cups.index(1) + 1 if pad_input_to: print(pivot_index, pivot_index+1) print(cups[pivot_index-1], cups[pivot_index], cups[pivot_index+1], cups[pivot_index]*cups[pivot_index+1]) return "" return "".join([str(s) for s in cups[pivot_index:] + cups[:pivot_index]])[:-1] assert "92658374" == solve(test_input_str, 10) assert "67384529" == solve(test_input_str, 100) print(solve(puzzle_input_str, 100))
#print(solve(puzzle_input_str, 10_000_000, 1_000_000)) #print(solve("389125467", 1000, 1_000_000)) print(solve(test_input_str, 10_000_000, 1_000_000)) #5396 #[c for c in range(1+9,20)]
range 9 1000001 1000000 moves 10000000 moves 9990000 moves 9980000 moves 9970000