2020-12-16 - Ticket Translation
(original .ipynb)
Day 16 is about numbers present on flight tickets. In the input (mine is here) you're given a set of ticket fields and the valid numbers they can have, your own ticket (a bunch of comma-separated integers) and a list of nearby tickets (many lines of comma-separated integers). You don't know which fields correspond to which part of the ticket. Part 1 involves applying some validation to input to find tickets which don't satisfy ANY rules, and returning the sum of their values. Part 2 obviously involves trying to map the ticket fields to the index they have in the comma-separated list of ticket numbers, finding the ones relating to the "departure" fields in your own ticket and multiplying them together.
test_input_str = """class: 1-3 or 5-7 row: 6-11 or 33-44 seat: 13-40 or 45-50 your ticket: 7,1,14 nearby tickets: 7,3,47 40,4,50 55,2,20 38,6,12""" puzzle_input_str = open("puzzle_input/day16.txt", "r").read() def parse_range(range_str): start_str, end_str = range_str.split("-") return (int(start_str), int(end_str)) def parse_rule(rule_str): name, ranges_str = rule_str.split(": ") ranges = [parse_range(range_str) for range_str in ranges_str.split(" or ")] return (name, ranges) def within_range(value, ranges): for r_lower, r_upper in ranges: if r_lower <= value and value <= r_upper: return True return False def matching_rules(v, rules): return [name for name, ranges in rules if within_range(v, ranges)] def sum_invalid_fields(ticket, rules): return sum( v for v in ticket if len(matching_rules(v, rules)) == 0 ) def parse_input(input_str): rules_str, my_ticket_str, nearby_tickets_str = input_str.split("\n\n") rules = [parse_rule(rule_str) for rule_str in rules_str.split("\n")] my_ticket = [ int(s) for s in my_ticket_str.split("\n")[1].split(",")] all_nearby_tickets = [ [ int(s) for s in ticket_str.split(",")] for ticket_str in nearby_tickets_str.split("\n")[1:] ] return rules, my_ticket, all_nearby_tickets def ticket_scanning_error_rate(input_str): rules, my_ticket, all_nearby_tickets = parse_input(input_str) return sum( sum_invalid_fields(ticket, rules) for ticket in all_nearby_tickets ) assert 71 == ticket_scanning_error_rate(test_input_str) ticket_scanning_error_rate(puzzle_input_str)
from collections import defaultdict def all_rules_found(rules, possible_rule_indices): return all( len(possible_rule_indices[rule]) == 1 for rule, ranges in rules ) # I have no idea what to call this function, for an hour or so it was "blorp_rule" # maybe should instead be two functions, come to think of it... def comb_tickets_with_rule(ranges, possible_rule_indices, tickets): if len(possible_rule_indices) == 1: return list(possible_rule_indices)[0], [] to_eliminate = set() for ticket in tickets: for i in possible_rule_indices: if not within_range(ticket[i], ranges): to_eliminate.add(i) return None, to_eliminate def find_rule_indices(input_str): rules, my_ticket, all_nearby_tickets = parse_input(input_str) # validate the tickets nearby_tickets = [ticket for ticket in all_nearby_tickets if sum_invalid_fields(ticket, rules) == 0] # now the ugly stuff - start assuming all indices are possible for a given column # and comb through it, removing invalid ones or ones which have been identified # elsewhere possible_rule_indices = defaultdict(lambda: set(range(len(my_ticket)))) while not all_rules_found(rules, possible_rule_indices): for name, ranges in rules: definite_match, to_eliminate = comb_tickets_with_rule(ranges, possible_rule_indices[name], nearby_tickets) if definite_match != None: for rule in possible_rule_indices: if definite_match in possible_rule_indices[rule]: if rule != name: possible_rule_indices[rule].remove(definite_match) possible_rule_indices[name] = set([definite_match]) elif len(to_eliminate) > 0: for rule_index in to_eliminate: possible_rule_indices[name].remove(rule_index) rule_indices = { rule:possible_rule_indices[rule].pop() for rule in possible_rule_indices } return my_ticket, rule_indices test_input_str_2 = """class: 0-1 or 4-19 row: 0-5 or 8-19 seat: 0-13 or 16-19 your ticket: 11,12,13 nearby tickets: 3,9,18 15,1,5 5,14,9""" # Based on the nearby tickets in the above example, # - the first position must be row # - the second position must be class # - the third position must be seat _, test_indices = find_rule_indices(test_input_str_2) assert 0 == test_indices["row"] assert 1 == test_indices["class"] assert 2 == test_indices["seat"] # departure location: 32-174 or 190-967 # departure station: 50-580 or 588-960 # departure platform: 35-595 or 621-972 # departure track: 41-85 or 104-962 # departure date: 39-293 or 299-964 # departure time: 44-192 or 215-962 departure_fields = [ "departure location", "departure station", "departure platform", "departure track", "departure date", "departure time" ] my_ticket, puzzle_indices = find_rule_indices(puzzle_input_str) from functools import reduce reduce(lambda x,y:x*y, [my_ticket[puzzle_indices[df]] for df in departure_fields])