2020-12-14 - Docking Data
(original .ipynb)
Day 14 puzzle input is a sequence of assembly-like instructions (mine is here) which can be either writes to memory locations or adjustments of a "mask" register. Part 1 involves interpreting the mask as modifying the values being written to memory (0
and 1
set the bits in those positions, X
is ignored). Part 2 involves interpreting the mask as modifying the memory address being written, with "X"s being wildcards meaning both 0
and 1
(so one write instruction can result in multiple addresses being modified).
from collections import defaultdict test_input_str = """mask = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1XXXX0X mem[8] = 11 mem[7] = 101 mem[8] = 0""" puzzle_input_str = open("puzzle_input/day14.txt", "r").read() def parse_mask(mask): fixed_bits = [] floating_bits = [] for i, digit in enumerate(mask): if digit == "X": floating_bits.append(i) elif digit == "1": fixed_bits.append((int(i), digit)) else: # do nothing for digit == "0" pass return fixed_bits, floating_bits def pad_value(value_str): padding = (36 - len(value_str)) * "0" return padding + value_str def apply_mask(value_str, mask_str): value_bin_str = bin(int(value_str))[2:] value_lst = [v for v in pad_value(value_bin_str)] fixed_bits, _ = parse_mask(mask_str) for position, digit in fixed_bits: value_lst[position] = digit return "".join(value_lst) def execute_instruction_v1(instruction, mask, mem): lhs, rhs = instruction.split(" = ") if lhs == "mask": return rhs location = int(lhs.removeprefix("mem[")[:-1]) value = apply_mask(rhs, mask) mem[location] = int(value, 2) return mask def solve(input_str, execute_func): mask = () mem = defaultdict(lambda:0) for instruction in input_str.split("\n"): mask = execute_func(instruction, mask, mem) total = 0 for addr in mem: total += mem[addr] return total assert 165 == solve(test_input_str, execute_instruction_v1) print(solve(puzzle_input_str, execute_instruction_v1))
%%time def apply_fixed_bits(fixed_bits, address_lst): addr_lst_copy = [v for v in address_lst] for position, digit in fixed_bits: addr_lst_copy[position] = digit return addr_lst_copy def apply_floating_bit(address_lst, index, val): addr_lst_copy = [v for v in address_lst] addr_lst_copy[index] = val return addr_lst_copy def apply_mask_v2(original_address, mask_str): fixed_bits, floating_bits = parse_mask(mask_str) original_address_str = bin(original_address)[2:] original_address_lst = [v for v in pad_value(original_address_str)] addresses = [ apply_fixed_bits(fixed_bits, original_address_lst) ] for position in floating_bits: new_addresses = [] for address in addresses: new_addresses.append(apply_floating_bit(address, position, "0")) new_addresses.append(apply_floating_bit(address, position, "1")) addresses = new_addresses return [int("".join(address), 2) for address in addresses] def execute_instruction_v2(instruction, mask, mem): lhs, rhs = instruction.split(" = ") if lhs == "mask": return rhs addresses = apply_mask_v2(int(lhs.removeprefix("mem[")[:-1]), mask) value = int(rhs) for address in addresses: mem[address] = value return mask test_input_str_2 = """mask = 000000000000000000000000000000X1001X mem[42] = 100 mask = 00000000000000000000000000000000X0XX mem[26] = 1""" # fun fact, because my solution is horrifically inefficient # and test_input_str has huge amount of floating bits, trying # to calculate part2(test_input_str) takes rather a long time # to finish. this cost me quite a lot of time - I didn't realise # they changed the example input they used :-/ assert 208 == solve(test_input_str_2, execute_instruction_v2) print(solve(puzzle_input_str, execute_instruction_v2))
3260587250457 CPU times: user 384 ms, sys: 3.5 ms, total: 388 ms Wall time: 398 ms