2020-12-09 - Encoding Error
(original .ipynb)
Day 9 is a sequence of integers (mine is here) which represent some data that has been encoded with some kind of cipher. Part 1 involves identifying a weakness in the cipher, by locating the first number in the sequence that isn't the sum of any digits in the previous 25. Part 2 involves finding a run of >1 consecutive numbers which sum to the number identified in Part 1, and adding the smallest and largest values in this sequence.
from itertools import combinations test_input_str = """35 20 15 25 47 40 62 55 65 95 102 117 150 182 127 219 299 277 309 576""" puzzle_input_str = open("puzzle_input/day9.txt", "r").read() def is_sum_of_two_previous_n_numbers(value, numbers, n): combos = combinations(numbers, 2) for x,y in combos: if x + y == value: return True return False def part1(preamble, input_str): input_numbers = [int(l) for l in input_str.split("\n")] numbers = [] for value in input_numbers: if len(numbers) < preamble: numbers.append(value) else: if not is_sum_of_two_previous_n_numbers(value, numbers, preamble): return value else: numbers.append(value) numbers.pop(0) # shouldn't hit this return -1 assert 127 == part1(5, test_input_str) part1(25, puzzle_input_str)
def part2(target, input_str): input_numbers = [int(l) for l in input_str.split("\n")] for i, value in enumerate(input_numbers): numbers = [value] prev_i = i while sum(numbers) <= target: prev_i -= 1 numbers.append(input_numbers[prev_i]) if sum(numbers) == target: return min(numbers) + max(numbers) # shouldn't hit this return -1 assert 62 == part2(127, test_input_str) part2(776203571, puzzle_input_str)