2019-12-22 - Slam Shuffle
(original .ipynb)
Day 22 puzzle input is an set of instructions on how to shuffle a set of cards (mine is here). Part 1 involves performing the shuffle according to these instructions and finding the card at index 2019. Part 2 involved performing this shuffle for an insanely huge deck, many times over. This involved something I had never seen before, so I ended up consulting the reddit and to be honest I still don't properly get it.
def new_deck(size): return [ c for c in range(size) ] def deal_new_stack(deck): deck = [ c for c in reversed(deck) ] return deck def cut(deck, n): cut_cards = [] return deck[n:] + deck[:n] def deal_with_increment(deck, increment): new_deck = [ None for d in deck ] position = 0 while deck: card = deck.pop(0) new_deck[position] = card position = (position + increment) % len(new_deck) return new_deck def parse_deal_instruction(instruction_str): deal_increment_instr = "deal with increment " cut_instr = "cut " deal_new_stack_instr = "deal into new stack" if instruction_str.startswith(deal_increment_instr): increment = int(instruction_str[len(deal_increment_instr):]) return lambda deck: deal_with_increment(deck, increment) elif instruction_str.startswith(cut_instr): cut_index = int(instruction_str[len(cut_instr):]) return lambda deck: cut(deck, cut_index) elif instruction_str.startswith(deal_new_stack_instr): return lambda deck: deal_new_stack(deck) else: raise Exception(f"couldn't parse instruction {instruction_str}")
# part 1 puzzle_input = open("puzzle_input/day22.txt", "r").read() stack = new_deck(10007) for instruction_str in puzzle_input.split("\n"): instruction = parse_deal_instruction(instruction_str) # print(instruction_str) stack = instruction(stack) print(stack.index(2019))
# part 2 - what is in position 2020 after doing this for 119315717514047 cards # a total of 101741582076661 times. # # So obviously we cannot model this directly - we'd need to do 100 transforms of # about ~100 trillion numbers 101741582076661 times which would be ridiculous. # # I thought this might also be possible to implement using generators which are all # chained together, starting with range(), then next()-ing 2020 times. I don't think # this is possible though - "deal with increment" interleaves the cards which I think # complicates all of this. # # After hammering on this problem it turns out this requires "modular arithmatic" # which I never learned :-/ I read a couple of articles (https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/72593 # and https://work.njae.me.uk/2020/01/12/advent-of-code-2019-day-22) but mostly # followed along someone else's solution. I don't know this mathematics and I honestly # probably won't :( def deal_with_increment_modular(deck_size, a, b, increment): z = pow(increment, deck_size - 2, deck_size) a = a * z % deck_size b = b * z % deck_size return (a, b) def cut_modular(deck_size, a, b, cut_index): b = (b + cut_index) % deck_size return (a, b) def deal_new_stack_modular(deck_size, a, b): a = -a b = deck_size - b - 1 return (a, b) def parse_deal_instruction_modular(deck_size, instruction_str): deal_increment_instr = "deal with increment " cut_instr = "cut " deal_new_stack_instr = "deal into new stack" if instruction_str.startswith(deal_increment_instr): increment = int(instruction_str[len(deal_increment_instr):]) return lambda a, b: deal_with_increment_modular(deck_size, a, b, increment) elif instruction_str.startswith(cut_instr): cut_index = int(instruction_str[len(cut_instr):]) return lambda a, b: cut_modular(deck_size, a, b, cut_index) elif instruction_str.startswith(deal_new_stack_instr): return lambda a, b: deal_new_stack_modular(deck_size, a, b) else: raise Exception(f"couldn't parse instruction {instruction_str}") def polypow(a, b, m, n): if m == 0: return 1,0 if m % 2 == 0: return polypow(a * a % n, (a * b + b) % n, m // 2, n) else: c, d = polypow(a, b, m - 1, n) return (a * c % n, (a * d + b) % n) deck_size = 119315717514047 shuffle_count = 101741582076661 a = 1 b = 0 deal_actions = [ parse_deal_instruction_modular(deck_size, instruction_str) for instruction_str in puzzle_input.split("\n") ] for deal_action in reversed(deal_actions): a, b = deal_action(a, b) a, b = polypow(a, b, shuffle_count, deck_size) print((2020 * a + b) % deck_size)