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2019-12-17 - Set and Forget

(original .ipynb)

Day 17 puzzle input is an IntCode program (mine is here) which will output a camera's viewpoint of a twisting, turning "scaffold" with a little robot at one end. Part 1 involves finding the locations of all places where this scaffold intersects another. Part 2 involves "programming" the robot to make its way over the scaffold from start to finish (the commands are quite limited) and finding the output value at the end of this.

opcode_add = 1
opcode_mul = 2
opcode_read = 3
opcode_write = 4
opcode_jump_true = 5
opcode_jump_false = 6
opcode_lt = 7
opcode_eq = 8
opcode_rebase = 9

opcode_terminate = 99

mode_position = 0
mode_immediate = 1
mode_relative = 2

class IntCodeCpu:
    def __init__(self, memory_image):
        self.memory = [ x for x in memory_image ] # copy memory image, in case it's reused
        self.stalled = True
        self.input_buffer = None
        self.output_buffer = None
        self.pc = 0
        self.offset = 0
        self.done = False
    def start(self, input_buffer, output_buffer, noun=None, verb=None):
        self.input_buffer = input_buffer
        self.output_buffer = output_buffer

        if noun:
            self.memory[1] = noun
        if verb:
            self.memory[2] = verb
    def run(self):
        instr = self.memory[self.pc]
        self.stalled = False

        while int(instr) != opcode_terminate and not self.stalled:
            (op, modes) = self.decode_instr(instr)
            self.pc = op(modes)
            instr = self.memory[self.pc]

        return self.memory[0]

    def try_pop_mode(self, modes):
        if len(modes) == 0:
            return 0
        return modes.pop()
    def resize_memory(self, target_addr):
        self.memory += ([0] * (1 + target_addr - len(self.memory)))
    def initialise_opcodes(self):
        self.opcodes = {
            opcode_add: self.op_add,
            opcode_mul: self.op_mul,
            opcode_read: self.op_read,
            opcode_write: self.op_write,
            opcode_jump_true: self.op_jump_true,
            opcode_jump_false: self.op_jump_false,
            opcode_lt: self.op_lt,
            opcode_eq: self.op_eq,
            opcode_rebase: self.op_rebase
    def decode_instr(self, instr):
        instr = str(instr)
        opcode = self.decode_op(instr)
        modes = self.decode_modes(instr)

        if not (opcode in self.opcodes):
            raise Exception(f"Invalid opcode {opcode}")

        return (self.opcodes[opcode], modes)    
    def decode_op(self, instr):
        if len(instr) > 2:
            return int(instr[-2:])
        return int(instr)
    def decode_modes(self, instr):
        if len(instr) > 2:
            return [ int(d) for d in instr[:-2]]
        return []
    def uop_read(self, value, mode):
        if mode == mode_position:
            if value >= len(self.memory):

            return int(self.memory[value])

        elif mode == mode_relative:
            if self.offset + value >= len(self.memory):
                self.resize_memory(self.offset + value)     

            return int(self.memory[self.offset + value])

        elif mode == mode_immediate:
            return int(value)

            raise Exception("UNKNOWN MODE")

    def uop_write(self, dst, value, mode):
        if mode == mode_position:
            if dst >= len(self.memory):
            self.memory[dst] = value

        elif mode == mode_relative:
            if self.offset + dst >= len(self.memory):
                self.resize_memory(self.offset + dst)     

            self.memory[self.offset + dst] = value

        elif mode == mode_immediate:
            raise Exception(f"cannot write {value} to literal {dst}")

    def uop_cond_jump(self, modes, cond):
        param_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        param_raw = int(self.memory[self.pc + 1])
        param = self.uop_read(param_raw, param_mode)

        dest_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        dest_raw = int(self.memory[self.pc + 2])
        dest = self.uop_read(dest_raw, dest_mode)

        if cond(param):
            return dest

        return self.pc + 3

    def uop_cmp(self, modes, cmp):

        param0_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        param0_raw = int(self.memory[self.pc + 1])
        param0 = self.uop_read(param0_raw, param0_mode)

        param1_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        param1_raw = int(self.memory[self.pc + 2])
        param1 = self.uop_read(param1_raw, param1_mode)

        dest_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        dest = int(self.memory[self.pc + 3])

        if cmp(param0, param1):
            self.uop_write(dest, 1, dest_mode)
            self.uop_write(dest, 0, dest_mode)

        return self.pc + 4
    def op_add(self, modes):
        arg0_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        arg1_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        dest_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)

        arg0_raw = int(self.memory[self.pc + 1])
        arg1_raw = int(self.memory[self.pc + 2])
        dest = int(self.memory[self.pc + 3])

        arg0 = self.uop_read(arg0_raw, arg0_mode)
        arg1 = self.uop_read(arg1_raw, arg1_mode)

        self.uop_write(dest, str(int(arg0) + int(arg1)), dest_mode)
        return self.pc + 4

    def op_mul(self, modes):
        arg0_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        arg1_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        dest_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)

        arg0_raw = int(self.memory[self.pc + 1])
        arg1_raw = int(self.memory[self.pc + 2])
        dest = int(self.memory[self.pc + 3])

        arg0 = self.uop_read(arg0_raw, arg0_mode)
        arg1 = self.uop_read(arg1_raw, arg1_mode)

        self.uop_write(dest, str(int(arg0) * int(arg1)), dest_mode)    
        return self.pc + 4

    def op_read(self, modes):
        dest_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        dest = int(self.memory[self.pc + 1])
        # if the input buffer is empty, we should "stall" and 
        # resume later
        if not self.input_buffer:
            self.stalled = True
            return self.pc
        val = self.input_buffer.pop()

        self.uop_write(dest, str(val), dest_mode)

        return self.pc + 2

    def op_write(self, modes):
        src_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        src_raw = int(self.memory[self.pc + 1])
        src = self.uop_read(src_raw, src_mode)


        return self.pc + 2

    def op_jump_true(self, modes):
        return self.uop_cond_jump(modes, lambda x: x != 0)

    def op_jump_false(self, modes):
        return self.uop_cond_jump(modes, lambda x: x == 0)

    def op_lt(self, modes):
        return self.uop_cmp(modes, lambda x, y: x < y)

    def op_eq(self, modes):
        return self.uop_cmp(modes, lambda x, y: x == y)

    def op_rebase(self, modes):    
        param_mode = self.try_pop_mode(modes)
        param_raw = int(self.memory[self.pc + 1])
        param = self.uop_read(param_raw, param_mode)

        self.offset += param

        return self.pc + 2
puzzle_input = open("./puzzle_input/day17.txt", "r").read()
code = puzzle_input.split(",")
cpu = IntCodeCpu(code)

input_buffer = []
output_buffer = []
cpu.start(input_buffer, output_buffer)

char_space = ord(".")
char_scaffold = ord("#")
char_newline = ord("\n")
char_robot_up = ord("^")
char_robot_down = ord("v")
char_robot_left = ord("<")
char_robot_right = ord(">")

def is_scaffold(image, row, col):
    return image[row][col] == char_scaffold
def parse_ascii_output(raw_image):
    image_by_row = []
    current_row = []
    for c in raw_image:
        if c == char_newline:
            if current_row:
                current_row = []

    return image_by_row
def print_ascii_output(image):
    output = []
    for row in image:
        row_str = []
        for c in row:
        print( "".join(row_str))
image_by_row = parse_ascii_output(cpu.output_buffer)

total = 0
height = len(image_by_row)

for i, row in enumerate(image_by_row):
    width = len(row)
    for j, digit in enumerate(row):
        if not is_scaffold(image_by_row, i, j):
        scaffold_surroundings = [
            i > 0 and is_scaffold(image_by_row, i-1, j),          # scaffold_above
            j > 0 and is_scaffold(image_by_row, i, j-1),          # scaffold_left
            1 + j < width and is_scaffold(image_by_row, i, j+1),  # scaffold_right
            1 + i < height and is_scaffold(image_by_row, i+1, j), # scaffold_below
        is_scaffold_join = len([ s for s in scaffold_surroundings if s ]) >= 3
        if is_scaffold_join:
            total += (i * j)



Part of this involved determining the set of three functions that could be used to traverse the scaffold - I ended up doing this by hand:

my notes for Day 17

main_routine = "A,A,B,C,B,C,B,C,B,A"
function_a = "L,10,L,8,R,8,L,8,R,6"
function_b = "R,6,R,8,R,8"
function_c = "R,6,R,6,L,8,L,10"
no_video = "n"

def assemble_instruction_group(instructions):
    int_instructions = [ ord(c) for c in instructions ]
    assert len(int_instructions) <= 20
    return int_instructions + [ ord("\n") ]

input_buffer = assemble_instruction_group(main_routine) + \
    assemble_instruction_group(function_a) + \
    assemble_instruction_group(function_b) + \
    assemble_instruction_group(function_c) + \

code = puzzle_input.split(",")
cpu = IntCodeCpu(code)
cpu.memory[0] = 2
output_buffer = []
cpu.start(input_buffer[::-1], output_buffer)


Function A:
Function B:
Function C:
Continuous video feed?