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2019-12-14 - Space Stoichiometry

(original .ipynb)

Day 14 puzzle input is a set of sequences (mine is here) like "10 ORE => 10A", which would mean "You can produce 10 of resource 'A' using 10 of the'ORE' resource". Part 1 involves using these reactions to determine the minimum amount of ORE required to produce 1 "FUEL". Part 2 involves going the other way - finding how much FUEL you can produce with 1 trillion ORE.

quantity_idx = 0
component_idx = 1

class ReactionResult:
    def __init__(self, quantity_produced, required):
        self.quantity_produced = quantity_produced
        self.required = required
    def __repr__(self):
        if not self.required:
            return str(self.quantity_produced)
        return f"{self.quantity_produced} <= (" + ", ".join([f"{qty}x{comp}" for qty,comp in self.required]) + ")"
def parse_component(component_str):
    quantity_str, component_str = component_str.strip().split(" ")
    return (int(quantity_str), component_str)

def parse_reactions(reactions_list_str):
    reactions = {
        "ORE": ReactionResult(1, None)
    for reaction_str in reactions_list_str:
        components_str, result_str = reaction_str.split("=>")
        result_amount, result_component = parse_component(result_str)
        components = [ parse_component(component_str) for component_str in components_str.split(",") ]
        reactions[result_component] = ReactionResult(result_amount, components)
    return reactions

def ore_for_component(reactions, quantity, component, spares, level=0, debug=False):
    if component in spares:
        # if the amount required or more is spare we don't need any more reactions
        # so just update the structure and return 0
        if spares[component] >= quantity:
            spares[component] -= quantity
            return 0
        # if we have less spare, than is required, then just subtract the 
        # spare amount from the quantity required and continue with the lesser
        # quantity
        elif spares[component] < quantity:
            quantity -= spares[component]
            spares[component] = 0
    if component not in reactions:
        raise Exception(f"Unknown component {component}")
    reaction = reactions[component]

    reaction_count = int(quantity / reaction.quantity_produced)
    if (reaction_count * reaction.quantity_produced) < quantity:
        reaction_count += 1
    # if we'll produce more than we need, add some to the spares registry
    if reaction_count * reaction.quantity_produced > quantity:
        spare_quantity = (reaction_count * reaction.quantity_produced) - quantity
        if component in spares:
            spares[component] += spare_quantity
            spares[component] = spare_quantity

    if debug:
        left_padding = "".join(level * ["\t"])    
        print(f"{left_padding}{quantity} x {component}")
    # we have a raw material which requires no reactions, so just return
    # the quantity that was requested 
    if not reaction.required:
        return quantity
    total_ore = 0
    for required_quantity, required_component in reaction.required:
        total_ore += ore_for_component(reactions, reaction_count * required_quantity, required_component, spares, 1 + level, debug)
    return total_ore

test_reactions0 = [
    "10 ORE => 10 A",
    "1 ORE => 1 B",
    "7 A, 1 B => 1 C",
    "7 A, 1 C => 1 D",
    "7 A, 1 D => 1 E",
    "7 A, 1 E => 1 FUEL"
test_reactions1 = [
    "9 ORE => 2 A",
    "8 ORE => 3 B",
    "7 ORE => 5 C",
    "3 A, 4 B => 1 AB",
    "5 B, 7 C => 1 BC",
    "4 C, 1 A => 1 CA",
    "2 AB, 3 BC, 4 CA => 1 FUEL"

test_reactions2 = [
    "157 ORE => 5 NZVS",
    "165 ORE => 6 DCFZ",
    "44 XJWVT, 5 KHKGT, 1 QDVJ, 29 NZVS, 9 GPVTF, 48 HKGWZ => 1 FUEL",
    "12 HKGWZ, 1 GPVTF, 8 PSHF => 9 QDVJ",
    "179 ORE => 7 PSHF",
    "177 ORE => 5 HKGWZ",
    "7 DCFZ, 7 PSHF => 2 XJWVT",
    "165 ORE => 2 GPVTF",
    "3 DCFZ, 7 NZVS, 5 HKGWZ, 10 PSHF => 8 KHKGT"

test_reactions3 = [
    "2 VPVL, 7 FWMGM, 2 CXFTF, 11 MNCFX => 1 STKFG",
    "17 NVRVD, 3 JNWZP => 8 VPVL",
    "53 STKFG, 6 MNCFX, 46 VJHF, 81 HVMC, 68 CXFTF, 25 GNMV => 1 FUEL",
    "22 VJHF, 37 MNCFX => 5 FWMGM",
    "139 ORE => 4 NVRVD",
    "144 ORE => 7 JNWZP",
    "5 MNCFX, 7 RFSQX, 2 FWMGM, 2 VPVL, 19 CXFTF => 3 HVMC",
    "5 VJHF, 7 MNCFX, 9 VPVL, 37 CXFTF => 6 GNMV",
    "145 ORE => 6 MNCFX",
    "1 NVRVD => 8 CXFTF",
    "1 VJHF, 6 MNCFX => 4 RFSQX",
    "176 ORE => 6 VJHF",

test_reactions4 = [
    "171 ORE => 8 CNZTR",
    "7 ZLQW, 3 BMBT, 9 XCVML, 26 XMNCP, 1 WPTQ, 2 MZWV, 1 RJRHP => 4 PLWSL",
    "114 ORE => 4 BHXH",
    "14 VRPVC => 6 BMBT",
    "6 BHXH, 18 KTJDG, 12 WPTQ, 7 PLWSL, 31 FHTLT, 37 ZDVW => 1 FUEL",
    "6 WPTQ, 2 BMBT, 8 ZLQW, 18 KTJDG, 1 XMNCP, 6 MZWV, 1 RJRHP => 6 FHTLT",
    "15 XDBXC, 2 LTCX, 1 VRPVC => 6 ZLQW",
    "13 WPTQ, 10 LTCX, 3 RJRHP, 14 XMNCP, 2 MZWV, 1 ZLQW => 1 ZDVW",
    "5 BMBT => 4 WPTQ",
    "189 ORE => 9 KTJDG",
    "1 MZWV, 17 XDBXC, 3 XCVML => 2 XMNCP",
    "12 VRPVC, 27 CNZTR => 2 XDBXC",
    "15 KTJDG, 12 BHXH => 5 XCVML",
    "3 BHXH, 2 VRPVC => 7 MZWV",
    "121 ORE => 7 VRPVC",
    "7 XCVML => 6 RJRHP",
    "5 BHXH, 4 VRPVC => 5 LTCX"

assert 31 == ore_for_component(parse_reactions(test_reactions0), 1, "FUEL", {})
assert 165 == ore_for_component(parse_reactions(test_reactions1), 1, "FUEL", {})
assert 13312 == ore_for_component(parse_reactions(test_reactions2), 1, "FUEL", {})
assert 180697 == ore_for_component(parse_reactions(test_reactions3), 1, "FUEL", {})
assert 2210736 == ore_for_component(parse_reactions(test_reactions4), 1, "FUEL", {})

puzzle_reactions = [ l.strip() for l in open("puzzle_input/day14.txt", "r").readlines() ]
print(ore_for_component(parse_reactions(puzzle_reactions), 1, "FUEL", {}))
one_trillion = 1_000_000_000_000

# yes we are going to brute force this one too, thankyouverymuch
def find_a_trillion_ore(increment, reactions_table, ore_target):
    current_guess = increment   
    ore_required = ore_for_component(parse_reactions(reactions_table), current_guess, "FUEL", {}, 0, False)
    previous_guess = one_trillion - ore_required
    while ore_required != ore_target:
        if ore_required > ore_target:
            # if we overshot it then go back, step down the increment a bit and try again
            current_guess -= increment
            increment = int(increment / 2)
            # it's late and this is 99/100 gonna be the answer so it'll have to do
            if previous_guess == current_guess and increment == 1:
            current_guess += increment
        ore_required = ore_for_component(parse_reactions(reactions_table), current_guess, "FUEL", {}, 0, False)
        difference = one_trillion - ore_required
        previous_guess = current_guess
    return current_guess

# assert 82892753 == find_a_trillion_ore(65536, test_reactions2, one_trillion)
assert 5586022 == find_a_trillion_ore(65536, test_reactions3, one_trillion)
assert 460664 == find_a_trillion_ore(65536, test_reactions4, one_trillion)

print(find_a_trillion_ore(65536, puzzle_reactions, one_trillion))