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2019-12-10 - Monitoring Station

(original .ipynb)

Day 10 puzzle input is a matrix of "#" (a position containing an asteroid) and "." (a position with no asteroids) which represent a map (mine is here). Part 1 involves identifying a location which has direct line of sight to the most asteroid positions. Part 2 involves finding the co-ordinate of the 200th asteroid that would be destroyed by a spinning laser mounted at the station.

import itertools
import math

def sign(n):
    return int(n/abs(n))

def vector_from_origin(origin_row, origin_col, row, col):
    drow = row - origin_row
    dcol = col - origin_col
    if drow == 0:
        return (0, sign(dcol))
    if dcol == 0:
        return (sign(drow), 0)
    gcd = math.gcd(drow, dcol)
    return (

def cast_ray(origin_row, origin_col, row, col, rows, cols, points, asteroids, skip_first=True):
    dx, dy = vector_from_origin(origin_row, origin_col, row, col)
    masked_points = []
    if skip_first:
        row += dx
        col += dy
    while is_valid(row, col, points):
        if is_valid(row, col, asteroids):
            masked_points.append((row, col))
        row += dx
        col += dy
    return masked_points

def points_at_distance(origin_row, origin_col, distance, asteroids):
    min_row = origin_row - distance
    max_row = origin_row + distance
    min_col = origin_col - distance
    max_col = origin_col + distance
    rows = [ row for row in range(min_row, 1 + max_row) ]
    cols = [ col for col in range(min_col, 1 + max_col) ]

    top =    [ (row, min_col) for row in rows ]
    bottom = [ (row, max_col) for row in rows ]
    left =   [ (min_row, col) for col in cols ]
    right =  [ (max_row, col) for col in cols ]

    return [ a for a in asteroids if a in set(top + bottom + left + right) ]

def process_grid(raw_grid):
    grid = []
    for row in raw_grid:
        grid.append([ cell == "#" for cell in row ])
    return grid
def grid_dimensions(grid):
    return (len(grid), len(grid[0]))

def is_valid(row, col, asteroids):
    return (row, col) in asteroids

def solve(raw_grid):
    grid = process_grid(raw_grid)
    rows, cols = grid_dimensions(grid)
    max_distance = max(rows, cols)

    asteroid_counts = []

    all_points = [ (row,col) for row in range(rows) for col in range(cols) ]
    all_asteroids = set([ (row,col) for (row,col) in all_points if grid[row][col] ])

    most_visible = 0
    most_visible_point = None
    for (origin_row, origin_col) in all_asteroids:
        # start off with a list of empty masked asteroids, with a bounding box +/- 1 distant
        masked_asteroids = set()
        distance = 1

        # look at increasing squares from the origin
        while distance <= max_distance:
            points = [ (row, col) for (row, col) in points_at_distance(origin_row, origin_col, distance, all_asteroids) ]
            for row, col in points:                
                raycast_asteroids = cast_ray(origin_row, origin_col, row, col, rows, cols, all_points, all_asteroids)
                masked_asteroids = masked_asteroids.union(set(raycast_asteroids))

            distance += 1
        visible_asteroids = [ a for a in all_asteroids.difference(masked_asteroids) if a != (row, col) ]
        if len(visible_asteroids) > most_visible:
            most_visible = len(visible_asteroids)
            most_visible_point = (origin_row, origin_col)

    return (most_visible, most_visible_point)

test_grid_1 = [
assert 8 == solve(test_grid_1)[0]

test_grid_2 = [
assert 33 == solve(test_grid_2)[0]

test_grid_3 = [
assert 35 == solve(test_grid_3)[0]

test_grid_4 = [
assert 41 == solve(test_grid_4)[0]

puzzle_input = [l.strip() for l in open("puzzle_input/day10.txt", "r").readlines()]

(227, (13, 11))
from math import atan2, degrees, sqrt
from functools import reduce, partial
import operator

def angle_to_asteroid(origin, asteroid):
    origin_row, origin_col = origin
    asteroid_row, asteroid_col = asteroid
    drow = origin_row - asteroid_row
    dcol = origin_col - asteroid_col
    res = degrees(atan2(-dcol, drow))
    if res < 0:
        return 360 + res
    return res

# test the fuck out of this bad hacky function, I do not like it one bit
# and I am regretting how I based my co-ordinate system on rows/columns 
# because everything's backwards and weird :-/
assert 0.0   == angle_to_asteroid((5,5), (0,  5))
assert 45.0  == angle_to_asteroid((5,5), (0, 10))
assert 90.0  == angle_to_asteroid((5,5), (5, 10))
assert 135.0 == angle_to_asteroid((5,5), (10,10))
assert 180.0 == angle_to_asteroid((5,5), (10, 5))
assert 225.0 == angle_to_asteroid((5,5), (10, 0))
assert 270.0 == angle_to_asteroid((5,5), ( 5, 0))
assert 315.0 == angle_to_asteroid((5,5), ( 0, 0))

# check we've 100% definitely got asteroids grouped by angle and asteroids are in
# increasing order of distance from origin because that would be embarrassing
def confirm_integrity(origin_row, origin_col, asteroid_groups):
    for group in asteroid_groups:
        angles = [ angle_to_asteroid((origin_row, origin_col), asteroid) for asteroid in group ]
        assert len(set(angles)) == 1
        prev_distance = 0
        for (row, col) in group:
            drow2 = 2 * abs(origin_row - row)
            dcol2 = 2 * abs(origin_col - col)
            distance = sqrt(drow2 + dcol2)
            assert distance > prev_distance
            prev_distance = distance      

def nth_asteroid_destroyed(raw_grid, n, origin):
    origin_row, origin_col = origin
    grid = process_grid(raw_grid)
    rows, cols = grid_dimensions(grid)

    all_points = [ (row,col) for row in range(rows) for col in range(cols) ]
    all_asteroids = set([ (row,col) for (row,col) in all_points if grid[row][col] ])
    masked_asteroids = set()
    destroyed_asteroids = set()
    unsorted_asteroid_groups = []
    distance = 1

    while len(all_asteroids.difference(masked_asteroids)) > 1:
        points = [ point for point in points_at_distance(origin_row, origin_col, distance, all_asteroids) if point not in masked_asteroids ]
        for row, col in points:                
            raycast_asteroids = cast_ray(origin_row, origin_col, row, col, rows, cols, all_points, all_asteroids, skip_first=False)
            masked_asteroids = masked_asteroids.union(raycast_asteroids)            
        distance += 1

    confirm_integrity(origin_row, origin_col, unsorted_asteroid_groups)

    asteroid_groups = sorted(unsorted_asteroid_groups, key=lambda grp: angle_to_asteroid(origin, grp[0]))
    destroyed_asteroids = set()
    while all_asteroids.difference(destroyed_asteroids):
        for group in asteroid_groups:
            if group:
                n -= 1
                asteroid = group.pop(0)
                if n == 0:
                    return asteroid
    raise Error(f"destroyed all asteroids, but we're still {n} short")

test_grid_5 = [

assert (1,8) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_grid_5, 1, (3, 8))
assert (0,9) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_grid_5, 2, (3, 8))
assert (1,15) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_grid_5, 9, (3, 8))

test_bigger_grid = [

assert (12,11) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_bigger_grid, 1, (13, 11))
assert (1,12) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_bigger_grid, 2, (13, 11))
assert (2,12) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_bigger_grid, 3, (13, 11))
assert (8,12) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_bigger_grid, 10, (13, 11))
assert (0,16) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_bigger_grid, 20, (13, 11))
assert (9,16) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_bigger_grid, 50, (13, 11))
assert (16,10) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_bigger_grid, 100, (13, 11))
assert (6,9) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_bigger_grid, 199, (13, 11))
assert (2,8) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_bigger_grid, 200, (13, 11))
assert (9,10) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_bigger_grid, 201, (13, 11))
assert (1,11) == nth_asteroid_destroyed(test_bigger_grid, 299, (13, 11))

solution_row, solution_col = nth_asteroid_destroyed(puzzle_input, 200, (13, 11))
print(solution_row + (100 * solution_col))