2018-12-25 - Four-Dimensional Adventure
(original .ipynb)test_input_str_1 = """0,0,0,0 3,0,0,0 0,3,0,0 0,0,3,0 0,0,0,3 0,0,0,6 9,0,0,0 12,0,0,0""" test_input_str_2 = """-1,2,2,0 0,0,2,-2 0,0,0,-2 -1,2,0,0 -2,-2,-2,2 3,0,2,-1 -1,3,2,2 -1,0,-1,0 0,2,1,-2 3,0,0,0""" test_input_str_3 = """1,-1,0,1 2,0,-1,0 3,2,-1,0 0,0,3,1 0,0,-1,-1 2,3,-2,0 -2,2,0,0 2,-2,0,-1 1,-1,0,-1 3,2,0,2""" test_input_str_4 = """1,-1,-1,-2 -2,-2,0,1 0,2,1,3 -2,3,-2,1 0,2,3,-2 -1,-1,1,-2 0,-2,-1,0 -2,2,3,-1 1,2,2,0 -1,-2,0,-2""" puzzle_input_str = open("puzzle_input/day25.txt").read() def parse_input(input_str): points = [] for line in input_str.split("\n"): point = [int(s) for s in line.split(",")] points.append(point) return points def distance(p1, p2): x1, y1, z1, w1 = p1 x2, y2, z2, w2 = p2 return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2) + abs(z1 - z2) + abs(w1 - w2) def should_join(c1, c2): for p1 in c1: for p2 in c2: if distance(p1, p2) <= 3: return True return False def find_constellations(input_str): points = parse_input(input_str) # build a naive list of constellations semi_constellations = [] while any(points): point = points.pop(0) was_inserted = False for constellation in semi_constellations: for other_point in constellation: if distance(point, other_point) <= 3: constellation.append(point) was_inserted = True break if was_inserted: break if not was_inserted: semi_constellations.append([point]) # see if any can be jammed together constellations = [] constellation = None while any(semi_constellations): if constellation is None: constellation = semi_constellations.pop() joined = False for i, c in enumerate(constellations): if should_join(constellation, c): c = constellations.pop(i) constellation += c joined = True break if not joined: constellations.append(constellation) constellation = None return len(constellations) assert 2 == find_constellations(test_input_str_1) assert 4 == find_constellations(test_input_str_2) assert 3 == find_constellations(test_input_str_3) assert 8 == find_constellations(test_input_str_4) print(find_constellations(puzzle_input_str))