2018-12-15 - Beverage Bandits
(original .ipynb)real_input = [ "################################", "#######################.########", "######################....######", "#######################.....####", "##################..##......####", "###################.##.....#####", "###################.....G..#####", "##################.....G...#####", "############.....GG.G...#..#####", "##############...##....##.######", "############...#..G............#", "###########......E.............#", "###########...#####..E........##", "#...#######..#######.......#####", "#..#..G....G#########.........##", "#..#....G...#########..#....####", "##.....G....#########.E......###", "#####G.....G#########..E.....###", "#####.......#########....#.....#", "#####G#G....G#######.......#..E#", "###.....G.....#####....#.#######", "###......G.....G.G.......#######", "###..................#..########", "#####...................########", "#####..............#...#########", "####......G........#.E.#E..#####", "####.###.........E...#E...######", "####..##........#...##.....#####", "########.#......######.....#####", "########...E....#######....#####", "#########...##..########...#####", "################################" ]
from advent import grid_animated_combine, grid_animated_render_frame, grid_to_file, grid_reveal_tiles, neighbours4 import math # part 1 # simulate the combat between a bunch of elves and goblins # why can't we all just get along def is_elf(col): return col[0] == "E" def is_goblin(col): return col[0] == "G" def is_open(col): return col[0] == "." def printable(col): return col[0] def reading_order_key(unit_positions): def order(unit): row, col = unit_positions[unit] return float(f"{row}.{col:03d}") return order def reading_order(positions): def order(position): row, col = position return float(f"{row}.{col:03d}") return sorted(positions, key=order) def identify_units(raw_grid): identifier = 0 positions = {} grid = [] for r, row in enumerate(raw_grid): new_row = [] for c, col in enumerate(row): if is_elf(col) or is_goblin(col): col = col + str(identifier) positions[col] = (r, c) identifier += 1 new_row.append(col) grid.append(new_row) return (grid, positions) def get_neighbours(origin, grid): r, c = origin return list(neighbours4(grid, r, c)) def get_movement_grid(origin, grid): move_grid = [] for row in grid: new_row = [] for col in row: new_row.append(None) move_grid.append(new_row) steps = 1 queue = get_neighbours(origin, grid) while any(queue): next_queue = [] for r,c in queue: if is_open(grid[r][c]) and move_grid[r][c] == None: move_grid[r][c] = steps next_queue += get_neighbours((r,c), grid) queue = next_queue steps += 1 return move_grid # ctrl+c/ctrl+v because lazy def flatten(t): return [item for sublist in t for item in sublist] def acquire_move_target(unit, positions, grid): is_enemy = is_goblin if is_elf(unit) else is_elf # if we're already next to an enemy, stay put next_to_enemy = any( 1 for r,c in get_neighbours(positions[unit], grid) if is_enemy(grid[r][c]) ) if next_to_enemy: return positions[unit] # find the distances from our unit to everywhere it can reach move_grid = get_movement_grid(positions[unit], grid) # locate all enemies all_enemies = list(u for u in positions.keys() if is_enemy(u)) if not any(all_enemies): return None # find the neighbouring tiles to each enemy move_candidates = [ (r,c) for r,c in flatten(get_neighbours(positions[u], grid) for u in all_enemies) if is_open(grid[r][c]) and move_grid[r][c] != None ] if not any(move_candidates): return positions[unit] # find the nearest reachable tiles shortest_path = math.inf targets = [] for r,c in move_candidates: if move_grid[r][c] < shortest_path: targets = [(r,c)] shortest_path = move_grid[r][c] elif move_grid[r][c] == shortest_path: targets.append((r,c)) # if there are no targets, bail if not any(targets): return None # the target tile is the first in reading order target = reading_order(targets)[0] # (r,c) is our target, we will use the move-grid to # track back from there to find our next step candidates = [] next_moves = [target] while any(next_moves): cr,cc = next_moves.pop(0) distance = move_grid[cr][cc] if distance == 1: candidates.append((cr,cc)) else: next_moves += [ (nr, nc) for nr,nc in get_neighbours((cr,cc), move_grid) if move_grid[nr][nc] == distance - 1 and not ((nr,nc) in next_moves) ] return reading_order(candidates)[0] def move(unit, new_location, positions, grid): old_location = positions[unit] # we're not moving if new_location == old_location: return new_r, new_c = new_location old_r, old_c = old_location move_x = abs(new_r - old_r) == 1 move_y = abs(new_c - old_c) == 1 # set the old position to open and move grid[old_r][old_c] = "." grid[new_r][new_c] = unit positions[unit] = (new_r, new_c) def initialize_hit_points(units): hit_points = {} for unit in units: hit_points[unit] = 200 return hit_points def attack(unit, hit_points, positions, grid, power): is_enemy = is_goblin if is_elf(unit) else is_elf origin = positions[unit] enemy_positions = { grid[r][c]:(r,c) for r,c in get_neighbours(origin, grid) if is_enemy(grid[r][c]) } if not any(enemy_positions): return min_hp = math.inf targets = {} for enemy in enemy_positions: if hit_points[enemy] < min_hp: targets = {enemy:enemy_positions[enemy]} min_hp = hit_points[enemy] elif hit_points[enemy] == min_hp: targets[enemy] = enemy_positions[enemy] min_hp = hit_points[enemy] enemies_ordered = sorted(targets.keys(), key=reading_order_key(targets)) enemy = enemies_ordered[0] hit_points[enemy] -= power if hit_points[enemy] <= 0: r, c = positions[enemy] grid[r][c] = "." del positions[enemy] del hit_points[enemy] def get_attack_power(unit, elf_attack_pwr): if is_elf(unit): return elf_attack_pwr return 3 def count_elves(positions): return len(list(u for u in positions.keys() if is_elf(u))) def solve(input_grid, fail_on_elf_death=False, elf_attack_pwr=3, render_to_file=None): grid, positions = identify_units(input_grid) hit_points = initialize_hit_points(positions.keys()) rounds = 0 initial_elf_count = count_elves(positions) render_frames = [] while True: ordered_units = sorted(positions.keys(), key=reading_order_key(positions)) for unit in ordered_units: if not (unit in positions): continue target = acquire_move_target(unit, positions, grid) if target == None: if render_to_file: grid_animated_combine(render_frames, render_to_file, show=True) return rounds * sum(hit_points[u] for u in positions.keys()) move(unit, target, positions, grid) power = get_attack_power(unit, elf_attack_pwr) attack(unit, hit_points, positions, grid, power) if fail_on_elf_death and initial_elf_count != count_elves(positions): return -1 if render_to_file: f = [] for row in grid: new_row = [] for col in row: new_row.append(printable(col)) f.append(new_row) render_frames.append(grid_animated_render_frame(f, palette)) rounds += 1 ############################ # test area test0 = [ '#######', '#.G...#', '#...EG#', '#.#.#G#', '#..G#E#', '#.....#', '#######' ] test1 = [ "#######", "#G..#E#", "#E#E.E#", "#G.##.#", "#...#E#", "#...E.#", "#######" ] test2 = [ "#######", "#E..EG#", "#.#G.E#", "#E.##E#", "#G..#.#", "#..E#.#", "#######" ] test3 = [ "#######", "#E.G#.#", "#.#G..#", "#G.#.G#", "#G..#.#", "#...E.#", "#######" ] test4 = [ "#######", "#.E...#", "#.#..G#", "#.###.#", "#E#G#G#", "#...#G#", "#######" ] test5 = [ "#########", "#G......#", "#.E.#...#", "#..##..G#", "#...##..#", "#...#...#", "#.G...G.#", "#.....G.#", "#########" ] assert 27730 == solve(test0) assert 36334 == solve(test1) assert 39514 == solve(test2) assert 27755 == solve(test3) assert 28944 == solve(test4) assert 18740 == solve(test5) print(solve(real_input))
# part 2 # find the minimum attack power where the elves don't lose a single guy def solve2(input_grid): elf_power = 3 solution = solve(input_grid, True, elf_power) while solution < 0: elf_power += 1 solution = solve(input_grid, True, elf_power) return solution assert 4988 == solve2(test0) #assert ??? == solve2(test1) assert 31284 == solve2(test2) assert 3478 == solve2(test3) assert 6474 == solve2(test4) assert 1140 == solve2(test5) print(solve2(real_input))
palette = { ".": "white", "#": "brown", "G": "red", "E": "blue" } solve(real_input, False, 3, "day-15-part1.gif")

solve(real_input, True, 25, "day-15-part2.gif")