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2018-12-09 - Marble Mania

(original .ipynb)
class Marble(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.previous_marble = None
        self.next_marble = None

class MarbleGame(object):
    def __init__(self, players):
        self.players = [0] * players
        self.current_value = 0
        self.current_player = 0
        # initialize the zero marble
        zero_marble = Marble(self.current_value)
        zero_marble.next_marble = zero_marble
        zero_marble.previous_marble = zero_marble
        self.head_marble = zero_marble
        self.current_marble = self.head_marble
    def advance_turn(self):
        self.current_player = (self.current_player + 1) % len(self.players)
        self.current_value += 1
    def add_marble(self):
        clockwise_one_marble = self.current_marble.next_marble
        clockwise_two_marble = clockwise_one_marble.next_marble
        new_marble = Marble(self.current_value + 1)
        if new_marble.value % 23 == 0:
        # connect clockwise_one_marble and new marble
        clockwise_one_marble.next_marble = new_marble
        new_marble.previous_marble = clockwise_one_marble
        # connect new_marble and clockwise_two_marble
        new_marble.next_marble = clockwise_two_marble
        clockwise_two_marble.previous_marble = new_marble
        self.current_marble = new_marble

    def add_to_score(self, marble_value):
        # first add new new marble's value to the new player's score
        self.players[self.current_player] += marble_value
        # next find the 7th counter-clockwise marble 
        marble = self.current_marble
        for i in range(7):
            marble = marble.previous_marble

        # then add its value to the player's score
        self.players[self.current_player] += marble.value
        # and connect them up
        previous_marble = marble.previous_marble
        next_marble = marble.next_marble
        previous_marble.next_marble = next_marble
        next_marble.previous_marble = previous_marble
        # can we delete the marble? it shouldn't have any references so should be GC'd, but it
        # should be safe to do this anyway
        del marble
        self.current_marble = next_marble
    def dump_marbles(self):
        marbles = [ 0 ]
        marble = self.head_marble.next_marble

        while marble.value != 0:
            marble = marble.next_marble
def run_game(players, last_marble):
    game = MarbleGame(players)

    while game.current_value < last_marble:

    return max(game.players)

# test input
assert 32 == run_game(9, 25)
assert 8317 == run_game(10, 1618)
assert 146373 == run_game(13, 7999)
assert 2764 == run_game(17, 1104)
assert 54718 == run_game(21, 6111)
assert 37305 == run_game(30, 5807)

# Part 1
print("part one:", run_game(403, 71920))

# Part 2
print("part two:", run_game(403, 71920 * 100))
part one: 439089
part two: 3668541094